Congratulations GEOC 2015 ACS Fellows
ACS Fellows R. Lee Penn and George Luther are honored not only for their outstanding scientific research, but also their service to the ACS community.
Dr. R. Lee Penn
Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Minnesota
Dr. R. Lee Penn studies the chemical reactivity of nanoparticles, the magnetic behavior of iron oxide nanoparticles, and the growth and aggregation of inorganic nanoparticles. She is also involved in designing and implementing curriculum to improve the understanding of the atomic structure of solid materials by middle schoolers. She served as membership chair for the Division of Geochemistry from 2006- 2010, program chair elect (2010), program chair (2011), division chair (2012), past division chair (2013), and councilor (2013-2016).
Dr. George Luther
Maxwell P. and Mildred H. Harrington Professor of Marine Studies in the School of Marine Science, University of Delaware
Dr. George Luther researches metal-sulfide nanoparticle formation, redox and trace element cycling in marine waters and sediments, and helped pioneer the development of in situ cyclic voltammetry. He has been involved in ACS since 1969, serving as program chair (1996), division chair (1997) and past division chair (1998) for the Geochemistry Divison. He also served as alternate councilor (2000-2011) and awards chair (2004-2011) for the division. He was also awarded the Geochemistry Division medal in 2013. In additional to his involvement in the Geochemistry Division, he was also Chair of the North Jersey Section, the largest ACS local section, in 1983 and a Councilor for 3 years.
About ACS Fellows
The purpose of the ACS Fellows Program, one component of the broader ACS Awards Program, is to recognize and honor members of the American Chemical Society for their outstanding achievements in and contributions to the science and the profession and for their equally exemplary service to the Society.
Although the “Fellow” designation has been adopted by many professional societies, the criteria for awarding this designation vary significantly from society to society. For some, such as the Royal Society of Chemistry, the Fellow designation indicates a senior membership level, signifying that the individual has attained a particular status within the profession. For others, such as the American Physical Society, the designation indicates that the individual has been recognized by his or her peers for significant contributions to the science. The ACS Fellows Program, however, uniquely recognizes a different standard of achievement and service. Specifically, the Fellow of the American Chemical Society (ACSF) designation is awarded to a member who, in some capacity, has made exceptional contributions to the science or profession and has provided excellent volunteer service to the ACS community.