GEOC Newsletter: Fall 1999

Report from the Chair

We have seen many important advances in the last few weeks. First, largely through the efforts of Ken Anderson, our former chair, the Division of Geochemistry of the ACS is launching a new journal: Geochemical Transactions. The journal will be published in conjunction with the Royal Society of Chemistry and will be fully electronic. 

One advantage of the journal is that we can now publish electronic figures and text that are not possible in traditional printed journals. The journal should be able to accommodate dancing molecules, blinking and annotated spectra and all sort of fancy graphics. 

Good job Ken!

We are also exploring closer links to the Geochemical Society, such as co-sponsorship of meetings and events. In all likelihood the ACS Geochemistry Division will help to see that the Goldschmidt Conference is a roaring success. Similarly, the editorial board of the new journal will include an appointee from the Geochemical Society.

Bill Casey


GEOC Newsletter: Spring 2000


GEOC Newsletter: Fall 1998