GEOC Call for Symposia: ACS Spring 2022 Meeting
Bonding Through Chemistry
The Spring 2022 ACS National Meeting will be held from March 20-24 in San Diego, CA.
Please consider organizing a symposium in areas of broad interest to the geochemistry community, as well as topics aligned with the meeting theme. If you are interested, please send an email to Program Chair Adam Wallace by July 5, 2021.
Please include the following information:
Title of the proposed symposium
A brief description of the symposium
Name, affiliation, and contact information of the organizer(s)
Potential co-sponsoring divisions/programs
Relevant topics include, but are not limited to:
Global geochemical cycles
Planetary geochemistry
Mineral-water interface structure and reactivity
Mineral nucleation and growth
Reactivity of biogenic minerals
Microbially-driven geochemical reactions
Geochemistry of subsurface CO2
Reactivity of nano-particles and nano-pores
Transport, uptake, and remediation of environmental contaminants