GEOC Newsletter: Spring 2001
Message from the Chairperson
As the new year dawns, so the Geochemistry Division Exec is once again in transition. I now retire as Chair, and in my place, George Cody takes over the reins. Peggy O’Day is now Program Chair, and it gives me great pleasure to welcome Bill Landing onboard as the new Program-Chair Elect.
The year 2000 was a challenging year for the division. Behind the scenes, the Exec was involved in complex negotiations with the ACS concerning the division’s E-Journal “Geochemical Transactions.” We in the Exec wanted to ensure that it is as simple as possible to subscribe to this journal, preferably via the membership renewal process. After much discussion, a compromise acceptable to both the Geochemistry Division and the ACS was arrived upon. I wish to take this opportunity to thank my colleagues on the Exec for their support and help with this issue, and also the staff at ACS who helped us reach this agreement.
Looking forward to events in 2001, we have one of the best programs the Division has ever organized at the San Diego National Meeting. The general theme of the meeting is on Biogeochemistry, with over 150 oral presentations, but this meeting will also see the inaugural presentation of the Geochemistry Division Medal. The Geochemistry Division will be celebrating its 20th anniversary at this national meeting. As part of the celebration the Division is hosting an Anniversary Dinner, which will be held at the Birch Aquarium, part of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, on Tuesday, April 3rd 2001. I hope that everyone attending the meeting will be able to join us at this event, which I am sure will be a lot of fun.
Finally, it is traditional that the Chair should end the report with a “Call to Arms.” The Geochemistry Division is run entirely by volunteers. We are always happy to see fresh faces get involved, whether that be through organizing a symposium or standing for election on the Exec.
If you have any ideas for symposia topics, please contact Peggy O’Day. With the new online tools ACS has available, organizing a symposium has never been easier! Alternatively, if you are interested in helping out with the Exec, contact George Cody.
See you in San Diego!