Applications Open: Spring 2023 Travel Awards
We accept applications from students and early career scientists who wish to attend ACS National Meetings.
Applications should be sent to the program chair Eric Pierce by October 17, 2022, the close of the abstract submission period for the Fall meeting.
We are pleased to accept applications for the Geochemistry Division’s Student Travel Award and Early Career Scientist Travel Award for the Spring 2023 ACS National Meeting to be held March 26-30 in Indianapolis, ID. Note that the meeting format is currently scheduled as hybrid (both in-person and virtual) and that the registration rates are not yet set.
Student Travel Award
Number of awards: Up to 8 awards based on the quality of the applications.
Award: (1) The Geochemistry Division will pay for the awardees’ registration for the ACS National Meeting at the corresponding ACS member rate. (2) Awardees will be given an extended time allocation (typically 25-30 minutes) for their oral presentations.
Eligibility: (1) The applicant must be an undergraduate or graduate student. (2) The applicant must have already submitted a regular abstract to MAPS for the meeting (see Application Procedure for details). (3) The applicant must be the presenting author. (4) Only one application per presenting author will be considered.
Early Career Scientist Travel Award
Number of awards: Up to 2 awards based on the quality of the applications.
Award: (1) The Geochemistry Division will pay for the awardees’ registration for the ACS National Meeting at the corresponding ACS member rate. (2) Awardees will be given an extended time allocation (typically 25-30 minutes) for the oral presentation.
Eligibility: (1) The applicant must have received their PhD degree within 5 years of the abstract submission deadline (October 17, 2022). (2) The applicant must have already submitted a regular abstract to MAPS for the meeting (see Application Procedure for details). (3) The applicant must be the presenting author. (4) Only one application per presenting author will be considered.
Application Procedures
Submitting your regular abstract to the ACS Meeting Abstract Programming System (MAPS) before the due date (October 17, 2022).
Submit a separate, extended abstract to the GEOC Program Chair (
Extended abstracts should not exceed one page (use at least 11-pt font, single-line spacing, and 1-inch margins) and may contain tables and figures (counted toward the page limit). Make sure to (1) include your name, affiliation, abstract title, and abstract number, and (2) indicate whether you are an undergraduate/graduate student (for the Student Travel Award) or your PhD degree date/year (for the Early Career Scientist Travel Award).
Applications must be received during the abstract submission window (closing on March October 17th, 2022).
Abstracts will be judged based on the impact on the field of geochemistry, technical approach, quality and clarity of writing, relevance of the abstract to the symposia and national meeting themes, and balance among different symposia.
Award winners will be notified by the end of November 2022.
Learn more about ACS National Meetings.
Questions about the awards should be directed to the program chair.