Wrap-Up of Fall 2023 Geochemistry Symposium
Thanks to all of you who chaired symposium, presented papers, attended sessions and participated in our Social and Business meeting. We filled all of our available sessions with five outstanding symposium including:
Reactivity at the Mineral-Water Interface: Validation through Modeling and Experiments at the Pore Scale; Organizers: Si Chen, chens1@ornl.gov; Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Sergi Molins, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, smolins@lbl.gov; Vitalii Starchenko, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Starchenko@ornl.gov
Advancements in the Characterization and Modeling of Interfacial Phenomena Driving Environmental Processes; Organizers: Matthew Landsman, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, mrlandsman@lbl.gov and Gregory Su, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, gsu@lbl.gov
Promoting Diversity in Geochemistry: Bridging People and Science to Communities; Organizer: Stetson Rowles, Georgia Southern University, lrowles@georgiasouthern.edu and Lynn Katz, The University of Texas, lynnkatz@mail.utexas.edu
Emerging Topics: Permafrost Geochemistry, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data in Geochemistry; Organizer: Emily Bristol, The University of Texas, bristol@utexas.edu and Jacob Harvey, Sandia National Laboratories, jharve@sandia.gov
General Geochemistry; Organizer: Lynn Katz, The University of Texas, lynnkatz@mail.utexas.edu