GEOC Programming: ACS Spring 2016 Meeting
Computers in Chemistry
March 13-17 | San Diego
Environmental Interfaces
Co-sponsored by Environmental Chemistry and Colloid and Surface Chemistry
Interfacial chemistry controls the fate and transport of chemicals in surface water, soil, and atmosphere. This symposium will highlight recent experimental and modeling results on molecular scale processes at mineral-water interfaces, including interface structure and reactivity, nano-confinements effects on interfacial chemistry, ion adsorption-desorption rate and mechanisms, chemical and biological controls on mineral nucleation, growth and dissolution, interfacial redox reactions, and the effects of organic matter on surface reactivity. Presentations will be focused on molecular level fundamental studies on the surface and interfacial chemistry, as well as advances in experimental design and technical development for interrogating mineral-water interfaces.
Confirmed Invited speakers: John Bargar, Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource; Wonyong Choi, Pohang University of Science and Technology; Owen Duckworth, North Carolina State University; Paul Fenter, Argonne National Laboratory; Vicki Grassian, University of Iowa; Michael Hochella, Virginia Polytechnic Institute; Sebastien Kerisit, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; James Kubicki, University of Texas-El Paso; Anke Neumann, Newcastle University; Kevin Rosso, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; and Andrew G. Stack, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Symposium Organizers
Young-Shin Jun, Department of Energy, Environmental & Chemical Engineering, Washington University in St. Louis
Franz M. Geiger, Department of Chemistry, Northwestern University
Anastasia Ilgen, Geochemistry Department, Sandia National Laboratories
Anne Chaka, Geochemistry, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Analytical and Computational Isotope Geochemistry
Co-sponsored by Environmental Chemistry
This symposium seeks to bring together scientists interested in isotopic analytical methodology, application of isotopes to geochemical problems, and computational studies of isotopic equilibria and kinetic fractionations. Specific topics may include, but are not limited to:
Clumped isotope studies
Position-specific isotope studies
Geochemical and biogeochemical applications of isotope analysis
Modeling of isotopic fractionation
Confirmed Invited Keynote Speakers include: Jon Eiler, Caltech; Edwin Schauble, UCLA
Symposium Organizers
Alex Sessions, California Institute of Technology
James Kubicki, University of Texas-El Paso
Geochemical reactivity of nanoparticles, aggregates, coatings and organo-nanoparticulate flocculates
It is now well established that both natural and synthetic nanoparticles can exhibit chemical reactivities that deviate from those of bulk minerals. However, nanoparticles in natural settings are seldom found as isolated particles, and are instead observed to aggregate either with similar or diverse minerals, to form coatings on mineral surfaces, or to form organo-mineral flocculates. The nanoscale structure, hydration, and redox properties of these complex assemblages can influence their transport, biological interactions, and persistence in the environment. This symposium invites submissions that explore the environmental stability and geochemical reactivity of single-phase nanomaterials and their aggregates, and the characterization of more complex assemblages that arise from the formation or introduction of nanomaterials in the natural environment.
Symposium Organizers
Benjamin Gilbert, Earth Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Christopher S. Kim, Schmid College of Science and Technology, Chapman University
Adsorption of Metals by Geomedia III
Co-sponsored by Environmental Chemistry
In 1996 ACS Spring meeting, there was a symposium on “Adsorption of Metals by Geomedia”, which led to an outstanding peer-reviewed volume “Adsorption of Metals by Geomedia: Variables, Mechanisms, and Model Applications”. In 2006, researchers from five continents gathered again in the follow-up symposium “Adsorption of Metals by Geomedia II”, during the ACS Spring meeting in Atlanta (Georgia, USA). During the past ten years, there are tremendous development in our understanding about mineral-water interfacial reactions. We propose to call this 20-year anniversary symposium to highlight the major advances in this vital area, from nano-scale spectroscopic studies to the novel interfacial reactions.
The topics that would be covered in this session are, but are not limited to:
Spectroscopic studies on the geomedia-metal interactions
Reactions between colloidal material and metals
Novel mineral-water interfacial reactions
New method for modeling metal-geomedia association
Fate of organic matter-metal complexes
Confirmed Invited speakers: Ian Bourg, Princeton University; Gordon Brown, Stanford University; Daniel Giammar, Washington University in St. Louis; Annie Kersting, Lawrence Livermore National Lab; Satish Myneni, Princeton University; Michelle Scherer, University of Iowa; Donald Sparks, University of Delaware; Garrison Sposito, UC Berkeley; Neil Sturchio, University of Delaware; Dimitri Sverjensky, John Hopkins University; John Zachara, Pacific Northwest National Lab.
Symposium Organizers
Yu (Frank) Yang, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Nevada
Jeremy Fein, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering & Earth Sciences, University of Notre Dame
Applied Geochemical Modeling
Geochemical modeling is a technique that enables understanding of geochemical phenomena based on fundamental principles of geochemistry coupled to physical observations and measurements. It can be used to predict the behavior of materials, fluids and solutions, as well as to explain observed phenomena. Geochemical modeling has traditionally been applied to systems in equilibrium, but new software and database developments have made kinetic modeling increasingly common. Consequently, geochemical modelling has become a powerful tool in a number of research fields where geochemistry governs a natural process (e.g. weathering, leaching, sorption…) or is applied to produce a desired result (e.g. metals extraction or purification, mineral carbonation, geopolymerization…). This symposium will highlight applications of geochemical modelling in diverse fields, such as Carbon Capture and Storage/Utilization, (Bio)Hydrometallurgy, Waste Storage and Remediation, Chemistry of Building Materials, Fouling and Scaling, Fate and Transport of Pollutants, etc. Presenters may discuss their use of commercial software packages (e.g. PHREEQC, MINTEQ, GWB, MINEQL+, EQ3/6, WHAM, etc.) or present their own geochemical models built from first principles.
Confirmed Invited Speakers: Anna Harrison, School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences at Stanford University; Jean-François Gaillard, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Northwestern University; Athanasios Karamalidis, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University; Matthew G. Siebecker, College of Earth, Ocean and Environment at the University of Delaware; Walter Schenkeveld, Department of Environmental Geosciences at the University of Vienna; and Rute Domingos, Aquatic Geochemistry Department at the Institute of Earth Physics of Paris
Symposium Organizers
Prof. Emily (Yi Wai) Chiang, Ph.D., P.Eng. University of Guelph, School of Engineering
Prof. Rafael M. Santos, Ph.D., P.Eng. Sheridan Institute of Technology, School of Applied Chemical and Environmental Sciences
Frontiers in Microscopic Techniques and Applications to Geochemical Reactions
As ever-improving microscopic techniques become available, geochemists are reaching ever-increasing spatial resolution when studying geochemical systems, which has led to unprecedented insights into the molecular-level mechanisms of geochemical reactions. For example, scanning probe microscopy can achieve atomic resolution of the structure of surface hydration layers and in situ and cryogenic transmission electron microscopy experiments have revealed a wealth of non-classical mineral growth mechanisms. This symposium will serve as a forum to bring together geochemists who develop, use, or have interest in microscopic techniques and expert microscopists who are contributing to technical advances in related fields (surface science, materials science, etc) that could benefit the geochemical community.
We invite contributions from studies that highlight recent advances in probing geochemical reactions using advanced microscopic techniques. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, nucleation and growth (classical and non-classical mechanisms, heterogeneous and homogeneous pathways), atomically-resolved characterization of mineral surfaces, biomineralization and interactions between bio- and geo-systems, and mineral transformations.
Confirmed Invited Speakers: Jim De Yoreo, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; Mitra Taheri, Drexel University; Young-Shin Jun, Washington University in St. Louis; Daniel Wastl,Universität für Bodenkultur Wien; Lee Penn, University of Minnesota; Sirine Fakra, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; and Enrico Gnecco, Complutense University of Madrid
Symposium Organizers
Shawn L. Riechers, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Sebastien N. Kerisit Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Jennifer Soltis, Department of Chemistry, University of Minnesota
Closing the human phosphorus cycle: Biogeochemistry, sustainable phosphorus recovery, speciation, detection and reuse
Description: Phosphorus is a critical natural resource required for food production and other industrial applications. Our ability to extract, refine and efficiently deliver phosphorus (and nitrogen) to crops has allowed us to sustain the world’s increasing population. Phosphorus, as opposed to nitrogen, is not abundant in air, and apatite sedimentary deposits are the only readily available non-renewable primary source. Some estimates suggest that current known reserves of phosphorus will be depleted by the end of this century which could present significant challenges to global food production. As society looks to increase use and reuse of alternative phosphorus sources, it is increasingly apparent that the understanding of phosphorus biogeochemistry is limited. Moreover, phosphorus speciation has a significant impact on its availability as a fertilizer; but analytical techniques for rapid speciation are also inadequate. Finally, concerns regarding diffuse losses of phosphorus resulting from fertilizer applications has major impacts on eutrophication in natural waters globally.
This symposium seeks to bring together scientists with interests in the biogeochemistry, recovery, analysis, and reuse of phosphorus.
We are seeking papers on a range of topics including but not limited to: phosphate sensor technology, bioavailability and molecular recognition, sequestration and controlled release of phosphate, phosphorus recovery, recycling and reuse processes, phosphate metabolism in algae, microorganisms and plants, phosphorus speciation in soils, and methods to reduce diffuse phosphorus losses from fertilizer applications.
Symposium Organizers
Lynn Katz, Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering, University of Texas-Austin
Kathleen Ruttenberg, Department of Oceanography, University of Hawaii
Environmental Consequences of Resource Development
The Earth’s surface has been extensively altered by the development of natural resources, leading to widespread and enduring perturbation of biogeochemical cycles. This session will examine (bio)geochemical processes that are unique to resource development and explore the long-term environmental impacts of extracting mineral and energy resources. A particular focus will be on using cutting-edge techniques and geochemical models to link micro- and meso-scale processes with field-scale observations. This timely session will highlight footprints of resource extraction and waste disposal associated with both legacy and modern operations, e.g., resources for green technologies, conventional and unconventional fossil fuels, nuclear energy, and agriculture.
We welcome studies that use laboratory experiments, field investigations, and/or reactive transport modeling of fundamental aspects of relevant (bio)geochemical processes. This symposium will place a particular focus on multidisciplinary studies that scale up from fundamental processes that control contaminant transport to the effects on local and regional environmental health across space and time.
Confirmed Invited Speakers: Kate Campbell-Hay, US Geology Survey; Thomas Darrah, The Ohio State University; Michael Hochella, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Andrea Foster, US Geological Survey; and Sarah Hayes, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, and Carla Rosenfeld, University of Minnesota
Symposium Organizers
David Singer, Department of Geology, Kent State University
Elizabeth Herndon, Department of Geology, Kent State University
Geochemistry Division: General Session
Symposium Organizer: Young-Shin Jun, Department of Energy, Environmental & Chemical Engineering, Washington University
This is a general session for the Geochemistry Division. This session accepts both oral and poster contributions, including posters for the SCI-MIX session.
Aquatic Photochemistry
Sponsored by ENVR; GEOC co-sponsor
Aquatic photochemical transformations are important in geochemistry and environmental chemistry in diverse contexts, such as natural systems where sunlight is acting on surface waters to engineered systems using UV irradiation. Light may act directly upon target compounds or indirectly through interactions with redox-active species including minerals, dissolved organic matter, and small molecule sensitizers. Understanding the roles of light in these complex systems will provide important insight into the fate of different chemical species in the environment. In this symposium, we invite submissions that explore the direct and indirect roles of light in the photochemical transformation of natural and anthropogenic compounds, as well as interactions of light with organic matter, biomolecules, and redox-active minerals.
The topics that would be covered in this session are, but are not limited to:
Photochemistry of dissolved organic matter
Photochemical transformation of pollutants
Reactive oxygen species
Photochemistry of biomolecules
Ice photochemistry
Photochemistry in aqueous aerosols
Field studies
Photochemistry and element cycling
Please submit your abstracts using the ACS Meeting Abstracts Programming System (MAPS). General information about the conference can be found at ACS Meetings. Any other inquiries should be directed to the symposium organizers:
Kristopher McNeill, Professor, Institute of Biogeochemistry and Pollutant Dynamics, ETH Zurich
Vivian Lin, Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute of Biogeochemistry and Pollutant Dynamics, ETH Zurich
Additional Information
Spring ACS Division Reception
The Geochemistry Division Reception will be held Tuesday March 15, 2016 from 5:30 to 7:30 pm in Gallery 1 and 2 of the Omni San Diego Hotel. Click on the following link for an event map: Geochemistry Event Map.pdf
Technical Sessions
Environmental Interfaces organized by Young-Shin Jun, Franz Geiger, Anne Chaka, and Anastasia Ilgen. (March 13, 1:30 PM-March 16, 5:30 PM, Grand Ballroom A, Omni San Diego Hotel)
Analytical and Computational Isotope Geochemistry organized by Alex Sessions and James Kubicki. (March 13, 8:30 AM-5:30 PM, Grand Ballroom D, Omni San Diego Hotel)
Geochemical Reactivity of Nanoparticles, Aggregates, Coatings and Organo-nanoparticulate Flocculates organized by Benjamin Gilbert and Christopher S. Kim. (March 13, 8:30 AM-12:30 PM, Grand Ballroom B, Omni San Diego Hotel)
Adsorption of Metals by Geomedia III organized by Yu (Frank) Yang and Jeremy Fein. (March 14, 1:30 PM-March 17, 12:00 PM, Grand Ballroom B, Omni San Diego Hotel)
Applied Geochemical Modeling organized by Emily (Yi Wai) Chiang and Rafael M. Santos (March 17, 8 AM-5:30 PM, Grand Ballroom A, Omni San Diego Hotel)
Frontiers in Microscopic Techniques and Applications to Geochemical Reactions organized by Shawn L. Riechers, Sebastien N. Kerisit, and Jennifer Soltis. (March 13, 1:30 PM-March 14 12:30 PM, Grand Ballroom B, Omni San Diego Hotel)
Closing the Human Phosphorus Cycle: Biogeochemistry, sustainable phosphorus recovery, speciation, detection and reuse organized by Lynn Katz and Kathleen Ruttenberg. (March 13, 8 AM-noon, Grand Ballroom A, Omni San Diego Hotel)
Environmental Consequences of Resource Development organized by David Singer and Elizabeth Herndon (March 16, 8 AM-noon, Grand Ballroom D, Omni San Diego Hotel)
Geochemistry Division: General Session organized by Young-Shin Jun. (March 15, 8:30 AM-12:30 PM, Gaslamp2, Omni San Diego Hotel)
Division Events
Posters and Geochemistry Reception!
Sci-Mix (March 14, 8-10 PM, Halls D/E - San Diego Convention Center)
Geochemistry Reception (March 15, 5:30-7:30 PM, Gallery 1 and 2, Omni San Diego Hotel).
Geochemistry Poster session (March 16, 8-10 PM, Hall D - San Diego Convention Center)
Spring ACS Workshop
Standard Methods, Materials, and Databases for Surface Complexation Measurements
Omni San Diego Hotel (Grand Ballroom D)
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
5:30 pm to 7:00 pm
Abstract: When combined with chemical equilibrium modeling, the measurement of complexation reactions between material surfaces and target chemical species can result in the calculation of discrete reactive surface site concentrations and intrinsic thermodynamic equilibrium constants. These parameters are of critical importance when modeling and/or predicting chemical processes associated with industrial separations, water treatment and remediation, and the reactive transport of contaminants in natural geochemical systems. This workshop, sponsored in part by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, will explore the need for standardized experimental/modeling methods and standard reference materials for surface complexation measurements, and their capacity to promote the development and availability of internally consistent datasets. The workshop is free and all are welcome to attend.