GEOC Newsletter: Spring 2016
Young-Shin Jun, Ph.D.
Dear Division Members:
It is my great pleasure and honor to serve the Division of Geochemistry (GEOC) as the 2016 Division Chair, and I am very happy to be a part of the GEOC community.
During our recent Spring ACS meeting in San Diego, the GEOC programs were well organized and well attended. Thank you to all the organizers and participants who made this meeting so successful! The Programs included 9 symposia and 206 abstracts. We had extremely high quality abstract submissions and excellent geochemistry community participation. To facilitate the discussion on surface complexation modeling, our Division also sponsored a special workshop entitled “Standard Methods, Materials, and Databases for Surface Complexation Measurements.” For the Spring meeting, the Division’s Executive Committee worked with the symposium organizers and GEOC members to select five GEOC Student Travel Awardees, and among these five students, Mr. Yujia Min was chosen to receive the GEOC Best Stu-dent Paper Award, based on his presentation. In addition, we supported additional student participants for the travel to San Diego to attend the GEOC programs.
During the reception at the Spring ACS meeting, we also celebrated the 35th anniversary of the Geo-chemistry Division. Thank you to all previous Division Chairs and Officers for their invaluable lead-ership and assistance and to all previous GEOC members for your active participation and research results shared with the GEOC community. I would love to celebrate our 40th, 50th, and 60th anniver-saries together with you and share more delicious cake.
In 2015, we honored Dr. Donald Spark with the 2015 Geochemistry Medal, and two elected new ACS Fellows: Dr. R. Lee Penn and Dr. George Luther. Congratulations to Dr. Sparks, Dr. Penn, and Dr. Luther! You are wonderful exemplars for younger geochemists and peers.
In 2015, we also elected a new Councilor, Dr. Jim Kubicki, and new Program Chair-Elect, Dr. Bill Burgos. Welcome aboard. In 2016, we plan to have elections for the new Program Chair-Elect, Treas-urer, and Alternate Councilor. If you are interested in these positions or know other people who might be good candidates, please let us know.
For the upcoming the Fall ACS meeting in Philadelphia in August 2016, led by Dr. Anastasia Ilgen as Program Chair, the theme is “Chemistry of the People, by the People, for the People.” We hope to see you all in Philadelphia.
Finally, please do not forget to renew your 2016 membership in the Geochemistry Division. In the future, if you would like to share any news in the newsletter with the Geochemistry Division mem-bers, please send the information to Jacky Bracco (
Thank you all for your support of the Division.
Young-Shin Jun, Ph.D.