ACS Geochemistry Division
Forty years advancing knowledge of Earth’s chemistry to benefit humanity.
The Division of Geochemistry engages researchers, educators and students in the advancement and promotion of geochemistry to address societal challenges.
Eric Pierce
From the Chair
The Division of Geochemistry (GEOC) has had a great first half of 2023. We have made tremendous progress toward expanding the impact of our meeting programing, increasing our collaboration with other ACS divisions, and building a more inclusive culture for geoscience. The Spring and Fall 2023 geochemistry program hybrid sessions were well attended. The highlight of the Spring 2023 meeting was the sessions held in honor of 2023 ACS Geochemistry Division Medal winner Dr. Vicki Grassian, Distinguished Professor and Chair of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of California San Diego. Additionally, we provided support for numerous Student and Early Career Scientist Travel Awards. We have continued our collaboration with the journal ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, which recently released a virtual special issue in honor of our 2021 ACS Geochemistry Division Medal winner Dr. Michael F. Hochella, Jr. for his enormous contributions to the geochemistry community.